Elenco blog personale

lunedì 16 marzo 2020


10 commenti:

j.stern ha detto...

Le titre : leçon de repassage (au double sens de donner une leçon) et que, pour se faire, la main nue seule du professeur suffise.
Le pyjama-salopette cul nu, porté sans rien dessous et qui présente avec indécence le haut des seins de l'élève.
(Comment l'idée vous est-elle venue ?)
L'essentiel : la diagonale de la série du linge (panier, table à repasser, penderie) qui croise la diagonale (rouge vif) de la série punition (battoir à tapis, bouilloire, main et morceau de fesse nue)
L'élément central du fer à repasser au bout de son long fil sinueux qui peut passer d'une série à l'autre. Travail, pour le repassage ou punition, s'il est appliqué sur les fesses.
Le ballet des pieds dans les diagonales sous-jacentes (du panier, de la table, de la penderie et des personnages) forme un socle solide et mouvant.

I like
The title: ironing lesson (in the double sense of giving a lesson) and that, to do so, the bare hand of the teacher alone is enough.
The bottomless pajamas-overalls, worn without anything underneath and which indecently presents the top of the student's breasts.
(How did the idea come to you ?)
The main thing: the diagonal of the laundry series (basket, ironing board, wardrobe) which crosses the diagonal (bright red) of the punishment series (carpet beater, kettle, hand and piece of naked butt)
The central element of the iron at the end of its long sinuous wire which can pass from one series to another. Work, for ironing or punishment, if it is applied to the buttocks.
The ballet of the feet in the underlying diagonals (of the basket, the table, the wardrobe and the figures) forms a solid and moving base.

lumasoc ha detto...

Merci beaucoup J. Stern, pour votre analyse minutieuse de mon dessin, comme vous le savez, j'ai une grande passion pour la fessée et la punition avec du fer, ce qui n'est évidemment pas possible, sauf avec du fer chaud.
Dans ce cas, j'ai imaginé une femme qui a décidé d'apprendre à repasser son mari et le fait en donnant une fessée, pour rendre la leçon plus convaincante et utile.
A bientot

Anonimo ha detto...

Love the domestic theme of this drawing my friend. It is the way things get done around the house, correct? Keep them coming, as always I really enjoy your art. Take care and stay safe!

Adoro il tema domestico di questo disegno il mio amico. È il modo in cui le cose si fanno in casa, giusto? Continua a farli arrivare, come sempre mi piace molto la tua arte. Fate attenzione e state al sicuro!


lumasoc ha detto...

Grazie mille Tex, molto gentile, fa sempre piacere sentire che le proprie passioni, sono apprezzate e condivise da altri e di riuscire a portare, in un momento di difficoltà, come questo, un po di serenità e di piacere.
A presto, nuovi disegni.

j.stern ha detto...

Il n'y a qu'avec vous qu'il est possible de dire sans faire de faute de français aussi bien "elle apprend à repasser à son mari" ou "elle apprend à repasser son mari" :)

It is only with you that it is possible to say without making a mistake in French as well "she teaches her husband to iron" or "she learns to iron her husband" :)

lumasoc ha detto...

Ici aussi, vous frappez J. Stern, l'un et l'autre, disons que si le résultat de la leçon n'est pas satisfaisant, la femme prévoira une autre punition, qui peut également aller au repassage du mari lui-même, toujours avec une attention suffisante Et précautions, avec un fer chaud ou légèrement chaud

Anonymous ha detto...

Thanks for this!!! I always enjoy kitchen and housework themes. Hope you are well and stay well. Thank you again.

lumasoc ha detto...

Thanks a lot Anonymous, I also really like the home setting, it is more real and sincere.
I'm fine, thanks

j.stern ha detto...

When I was a kid, my father told the story of this aunt who threatened him, when he was ten years old, to sit him on the stove, butt naked, if he disobeyed.
It was a coal stove, the pieces of which you could see glowing when you opened the top with a metal lever.
She never did, but the threat was there.

lumasoc ha detto...

This is also one of my fantasies and this is obviously something impossible, I don't think your father's aunt would have ever done something like that, it would have been a criminal act, thanks for your testimony J. Stern