Elenco blog personale

sabato 6 giugno 2020


Da quando in città è arrivata la nuova sceriffa, col le sue assistenti, valide spanker,  vita dura per i banditi ed i bari

13 commenti:

j.stern ha detto...

Hi, Lumasoc,
Your short caption and your drawing would suffice on their own.
In the series of drawings where the sheriff woman (nuova sceriffa) and her collaborators (assistenti valide) overturn the social order (they have the guns), it is again a success.
Perhaps the sheepish men waiting for their turn in the line could have been pantsed in advance. In any case, their first spanking is very central, administered by the sceriffa then they are directed to the big stove (a kind of big penis-god) which keeps their buttocks warm while waiting for a second spanking of the auxiliaries (why are some of them masked ?). All in a cheerful colorful concert of crackling smacks. Bravo.

Anonimo ha detto...

Terrific drawing my friend. Love your use of color and action everywhere in this one… lots to take in and enjoy. Clearly this Sheriff means business and has deputized half the wives in town to help her throw a lasso around all the bad-boys! I bet she threw a few extra blocks of wood into that stove before starting this particular round-up don’t you? Excellent work, one of my favorites!


lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much J. Stern and my American friend Tex, I am very happy that you like my new design, both in the situation and in the technical execution

j.stern ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
j.stern ha detto...

Just that : why are three of the auxiliaries masked ?
Grazie mile

lumasoc ha detto...

Hi J. Stern, the three sheriff's assistants are not masked, only being far away, it didn't seem appropriate to make eyes and mouth and therefore I left them sketched

Ciao J. Stern, le tre assistenti della sceriffa, non sono mascherate , solo che essendo lontane, non mi sembrava il caso di fare occhi e bocca e quindi le ho lasciate abbozzate

Anonimo ha detto...

I doubt that spanking with female bare hands is enough for such bandits, even if their ass is warmed up near the stove before the second spanking. A belt or a paddle would be more effective.

lumasoc ha detto...

However, at the humiliation level, being spanked with bare hands has a greater effect, then it depends on the hands of the spanker, except then using other more painful tools

però a livello umiliazione essere sculacciati con le mani nude, ha maggior effetto, poi dipende dalle mani di chi sculaccia, salvo poi usare altri attrezzi più dolorosi

Anonimo ha detto...

Hello Lumasoc,
The female sheriff enforces the law and applies the punishments publicly in the saloon. It's a very good idea. There could be posters outside stating that a thief is "wanted (alive) to get a good spanking". The female bounty hunters, specialized in the lassoing of men, could make fun of their catch by looking forward to attending the show of their spankings.

lumasoc ha detto...

Hello Louise, do you say that some of the saloon goers might misbehave to have a good spanking? True, honestly I would be among them too.
To think that there are women bounty hunters in that country, who catch men with a lasso, and then be able to enjoy the show, to see them spank is a great idea, congratulations

Hello Louise, tu dici che alcuni alcuni frequentatori del saloon, potrebbero comportarsi male, per avere una buona sculacciata? Vero, sinceramente sarei pure io tra questi.
Pensare che ci siano in quel paese donne cacciatrici di taglie, che catturano gli uomini col lazo, per poi potersi godere lo spettacolo, di vederli sculacciare è una gran bella idea, complimenti

Anonimo ha detto...

Another public place where one of your scenes could take place would be a circus. The men ridiculed on the stage by women tamers under the laughter and the applause of women in the audience, their male companions shamefully lowering their heads (a bit like in your drawing "Matrimonio spanking"). "Being taken to the circus" would have become a threat to men. Ah!

lumasoc ha detto...

Thanks a lot Louise, for the suggestion, it could be a good idea, even that of the circus, I will think about it for the next drawings, now I have one running, but for the next I could take into account your suggestion

Grazie mille Louise, per il suggerimento, potrebbe essere una bella idea, pure quella del circo, ci penserò per i prossimi disegni, ora ne ho uno in esecuzione, ma per il prossimo potrei tener conto del tuo suggerimento

Giulio ha detto...

Ciao Lumasoc!anche a me piacerebbe tanto frequentare questo saloon!senza ubriacarmi e senza barare a carte!altrimenti mi aspetta o dalla sceriffa o da una sua assistente una severa punizione!