Elenco blog personale

giovedì 15 aprile 2021



16 commenti:

j.stern ha detto...

Indian women must have extremely strong and vigorous hands which may explain the crimson buttocks of the soldier Not to mention his shame to come back in tears to resume his place in his regiment (he received this public punishment in front of his whole regiment with the agreement of his commander because he behaved badly with the woman)

Anonimo ha detto...

i wonder if the squaws knew about strapon...

Anonimo ha detto...

Imagine if at the Little Big Horn, a few soldiers survived? Only to fall into the hands of the ladies of the tribe. I am sure this sketch would accurately depict what happened next! Great drawing my friend. Excellent idea!


lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much to all, your hypotheses are both suggestive, whether the soldier is punished in front of his regiment, as J. Stern says, or whether, as thought by Tex, it is the right epilogue of the battle of the Little Big Horn, two Suggestive and beautiful hypotheses, thanks

grazie mille a tutti, le vostre ipotesi sono entrambe suggestive, sia che il soldato sia punito di fronte al proprio reggimento, come dice J. Stern, sia che, come pensato da Tex, sia il giusto epilogo della battaglia del Little Big Horn, due suggestive e belle ipotesi, grazie

j.stern ha detto...

I know you don't like to talk too much about your drawings but I have a question :
How did you get the idea of an Indian woman with a soldier.
Is it after seeing a western? Or after a masked ball ?
Why not an English soldier and a Zulu woman for example?
Or a black slave and a southerner?
For you, is this an allegory or a simple historical scene where women triumph?

lumasoc ha detto...

No problem J. Stern, let's say that I like westerns, especially those that tell the story, more real, that of the many massacres, by the soldiers to the detriment of the Native Americans. I also read several books and I know that before attacking, they waited for men to go hunting, to attack a village, with women, children and the elderly, massacring and raping and therefore it seemed like a small compensation, representing a squaw spanking a soldier. Thank you J. Stern

Nessun problema J. Stern, diciamo che i film western mi piacciono, soprattutto quelli che raccontano la storia, più reale, quella dei tanti massacri, ad opera dei soldati a danno dei pellerossa. Ho letto pure diversi libri e so che prima di attaccare, aspettavano che gli uomini andassero a caccia, per attaccare un villaggio, con donne, bambini ed anziani, massacrando e stuprando e quindi mi sembrava un piccolo risarcimento, rappresentare una squaw che sculaccia un soldato

Giulio ha detto...

Sarebbe Pocahontas questa bella indiana?

Giulio ha detto...

Sarebbe Pocahontas questa bella indiana?

lumasoc ha detto...

Ciao Giulio, io ho immaginato una semplice squaw, che ha la possibilità di vendicare i tanti torti subiti, ma niente vieta di immaginare che sia Pocahontas

Giulio ha detto...

Ah ok amico!Pocahontas e'sempre stata la mia indiana preferita!

Giulio ha detto...

Va bene amico!Pocahontas e' anche sempre stata la mia indiana preferita!

Seatscorcher ha detto...

Great picture, I am sure many of the soldiers sadly took advantage of the female indians and their children and some may have spanked them and worse. I was surprised to see the squaw spanking the soldier but no campfire nearby..,nothing hot to use on his bottom after the spanking? Maybe his bottom is used for target practice with flaming arrows after, then having to get back on his horse, sit on the saddle and report back to his group.
Thank you for sharing your art with us.

lumasoc ha detto...

Thanks for your comment Seat, I'm glad you liked it ... you're right I usually always put some other tool, but here the iron would not have been right and neither would the old typical stove of the West, maybe a bonfire, like You say, but the space was limited ... good evening

Grazie per il tuo commento Seat, mi fa piacere ti sia piaciuto...hai ragione di solito metto sempre qualche altro attrezzo, ma qui il ferro da stiro non sarebbe stato giusto e neanche la vecchia stufa tipica del West, forse un falò, come dici tu, ma lo spazio era ridotto...buona serata

Seatscorcher ha detto...

thank you for the reply Lumasoc...I didn't mean my comment as a criticism...just an observation. I love your work.

lumasoc ha detto...

Sure Seat, I understood your observation, I did not see it as a criticism ... thanks for the positive appreciation, soon I will post some other drawings ... good evening

Certo Seat, avevo capito la tua osservazione, non l'ho vista come una critica...grazie per l'apprezzamento positivo, presto posterò qualche altro disegno...buona serata

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Lumasoc! Sono Giulio! Anche a me piacerebbe essere sculacciato da una bella e sensuale Pocahontas!