Elenco blog personale

venerdì 21 ottobre 2022


Questo disegno, di ambientazione navale o meglio nave corsara a comando femminile, mi è stato suggerito da una carissima e giovane amica di Napoli di nome SARA, che ringrazio.

11 commenti:

j.stern ha detto...

Quindi ci chiediamo quale di queste donne vorrebbe essere Sara

So we wonder which of these women would like to be Sara

lumasoc ha detto...

Ciao J. Stern, vero, non saprei girerò la domanda a Sara, per quanto mi riguarda vedrei comandante, quella con il battipanni, ma ognuno la può vedere come vuole

Hi J. Stern, true, I don't know I will turn the question to Sara, as far as I'm concerned I would see the commander, the one with the carpet beater, but everyone can see it as they want

Anonimo ha detto...

It is like an opera

lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much Anonimo

Anonimo ha detto...

Non immaginavo che avrebbe ricevuto tante visualizzazioni.

QBuzz ha detto...

Wonderful scene! I love the spectators getting a sharp slap across the face, I wonder if they'll be on stage next...

lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much QBuzz for your positive comment, surely those who take the slaps, then they too will end up spanked by the two corsairs

Grazie mille QBuzz per il tuo commento positivo, sicuramente quelli che prendono le sberle, poi finiranno pure loro sculacciati dalle due corsare

Anonimo ha detto...

Ovvio QBuzz che anche loro subiranno lo stesso, in quella nave pirata ci sono regole severe e chi le sbaglia ottiene la punizione che merita!

Obviously QBuzz they too will suffer the same, in that pirate ship there are strict rules and whoever gets them wrong gets the punishment they deserve!

j.stern ha detto...

Hi Lumasoc
Sara's idea gave me another one:
The boat must be transformed into a theatre. The group of sailors becomes the audience of a theater hall but made up of couples (wives and husbands).
The slappers pass through the ranks, sometimes make the husband stand up and slap him then pull down his pants, sometimes make him kneel on his seat, his pants down, and turned towards the spectators.
The men then go, pants and underpants down to their ankles, wait at the bottom of the stage for their turn to come up to be spanked. After a red buttocks exhibition in the back of the stage, they return to sit next to their wife.

L'idea di Sara me ne ha regalata un'altra:
La barca deve essere trasformata in un teatro. Il gruppo di marinai diventa il pubblico di una sala teatrale ma composta da coppie (mogli e mariti).
Le donne che schiaffeggiano passano di fila, a volte fanno alzare il marito e lo schiaffeggiano poi gli abbassano i pantaloni, a volte lo fanno inginocchiare sul sedile, con i pantaloni abbassati, e si girano verso gli spettatori.
Gli uomini poi vanno, pantaloni e mutande fino alle caviglie, aspettano in fondo al palco che arrivi il loro turno per essere sculacciati. Dopo un'esibizione di natiche rosse in fondo al palco, tornano a sedersi accanto alla moglie.

Anonimo ha detto...

Sei un genio j.stern! Inoltre come prossima idea avevo suggerito le Amazzoni.

You are a genious j.stern! Also as a next idea i had suggested the Amazons.

Anonimo ha detto...

Well done Master Stern.
Husbands are dominated by their wives. They are almost all puny and cowardly.
Kneeling on their seats, they find themselves facing the wives seated behind them. Wives can slap them on the face, if they feel like it. Or make them raise their shirt to violently pinch their nipples. This humiliating position (they are bare butt) and painful causes the most sentimental to burst into tears. When thoses hubbies have to go wait their turn at the foot of the stage, their sniffles and their cowardice provoke the scornful mockery of the women who start hissing at them. The mistresses spot them and pull them out of the line to bring them on stage to the boos of the female audience. They are completely stripped and terribly whipped.
It happens that a wife has agreed before the show that her husband receive the beating of his life on stage and that hubby piss in his panties before the first lash.
Some also leave after the show with their husband without pants or even without underwear until they get to their car.

Bravo Maître Stern
Les maris sont dominés par leurs femmes. Ils sont presque tous chétifs et lâches.
Agenouillés sur leurs sièges, ils se retrouvent face aux épouses assises derrière eux. Les épouses peuvent les gifler, si elles en ont envie. Ou leur faire remonter leur chemise pour leur pincer violemment les tétons. Cette position humiliante (ils sont fesses nues) et douloureuse fait fondre en larmes les plus sentimentaux. Lorsque ces maris doivent aller attendre leur tour au pied de la scène, leurs reniflements et leur lâcheté provoquent les moqueries méprisantes des femmes qui se mettent à les siffler. Les maîtresses les repèrent et les extirpent de la file d'attente pour les faire monter sur scène sous les huées du public féminin. Ils sont entièrement mis à nu et terriblement fouettés.
Il arrive qu'une femme ait comploté avant le spectacle que son mari reçoive la raclée de sa vie sur scène et que son mari pisse dans sa culotte avant le premier coup de fouet.
Certaines partent également après le spectacle avec leur mari sans pantalon ou même sans sous-vêtements jusqu'à ce qu'elles arrivent à leur voiture.