Elenco blog personale

venerdì 22 novembre 2024



10 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

When my wife/mommy puts me over her lap, I'm going no where, have tried, but fail each time. She insures my hand does not protect my bare bottom, oh I can kick, squirm all I want, does not do any good. When she feels that I have learned my lesson, I dance around the room, rubbing, promising to be a good little boy, she then points to the wall, no rubbing, no talking, and like a good little boy I do as Mommy saids. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

thank you very much Jack for your testimony and congratulations to the lady.

Anonimo ha detto...

If I were him, I would stay as far away from that kitchen as possible! She has quite the collection of implements of 'ass-destruction' handy and apparently is well versed in using them based upon the state of his bottom! Love the sketch, Lumasoc.

lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much TEX, True, you are right, a kitchen is full of household tools which however can be used as punitive implements

Anonimo ha detto...

My wife/mommy Thank's You and husband need to be reminded who is in charge and who wears the pants in the family. A spanked husband is a well behaved husband and you have a happy wife/mommy. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

thanks Jack, I agree with your wife, you are a lucky man to get a lot of spanking, unfortunately it is not easy to find women willing to do this, very very rare, especially in Italy

Anonimo ha detto...

It is true in the United States, hard to find such a woman. Her mother is the reason that I get spanked. My mother-in-law taught her daughter that husbands can be little boys at times, and when they are naughty little boys, the wife becomes the Mommy. My wife/mommy will insure I be a good little boy and spankings are not always private. The first time I was spanked not in private was a spanking before my mother-in-law. My wife/mommy took her time scolding me, baring my bottom, and that hairbrush really had me squirming and kicking, so much my pants and underpants were kicked off. I stood facing the wall, both enjoying seeing my red spanked bottom. My wife/mommy then told her Mother, that she has added to the punishment and told me to tell her. I said I must call her Mommy, Mommies spank naughty little boys. I will call her Mommy until told otherwise and trust me that adds to the punishment. So my Mother-in-law is why I have such a wife/mommy and trust me the spankings, hurt like hell, always over her lap and this naughty little boy will do as Mommy saids. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

hello Jack, are you American? You say it's hard to find spanker wives in America? Imagine then in Italy, we are a much more provincial and closed country. Congratulations to your mother-in-law anyway, I had written a story whose protagonist was her mother-in-law. Happy spanking

Francescospank ha detto...

Hai centrato il problema, ci sono molti motivi e, sicuramente le nuove generazioni non sono state sottoposte a severa educazione e i risultati sono sotto gli occhi di tutti, difatti le uniche sono le Signore Mamme, Zie ed altre figure educative che hanno il retaggio delle punizioni a suon di sculacciate come è capitato a me non ti dico quanto mi manca e ho grandissime difficoltà a trovare una Signora appassionata che sia disposta a seguire la mia educazione professioniste escluse ma non è la stessa cosa, comincio a credere che certe donne esistano solo nella mia fantasia, triste conclusione.

lumasoc ha detto...

E sì hai ragione Francesco, molto difficile trovare signore, che si dedichino allo spanking, escluse le mercenarie ovviamente, sono sicuro che ci siano, ma come affrontare l'argomento, senza passare per strani, imbecilli, infantili, questo è un problema che esiste da sempre....forse se fossero loro a proporsi in tale ruolo, sarebbe più facile.