Elenco blog personale

lunedì 22 febbraio 2021



17 commenti:

QBuzz ha detto...

Nice, that will teach her sidekick/husband not to iron her uniform properly ;)

lumasoc ha detto...

Thanks QBuzz, I agree with you, when it takes, it takes

Grazie QBuzz, sono d'accordo con te, quando ci vuole, ci vuole

ironingfan1234 ha detto...

Oh very well done! Always beware the wrath of a redhead with a beater and an iron close by

ironingfan1234 ha detto...

Oh very well done! Always beware the wrath of a redhead with a beater and an iron close by

lumasoc ha detto...

Very right ironingfan, I already have the next drawing Bat-woman ironing in preparation

Giustissimo ironingfan, ho già in preparazione il prossimo disegno Bat-woman che stira

ironingfan1234 ha detto...

I immagine that she is punishing a criminal that she has apprehended to make him regret his criminal activities!

lumasoc ha detto...

Certainly, you are right ironingfan

certamente, hai ragione ironingfan

Seatscorcher ha detto...

do you see the iron being used on his bare bottom?

lumasoc ha detto...

I haven't decided seatscorcher yet, but I think not, it seems excessive to me what do you think?

non ho ancora deciso seatscorcher, ma credo di no, mi sembra eccessivo tu che ne pensi?

j.stern ha detto...

You have to find a willing test subject (fast with his safeword) and see his reaction when the hot steam from the iron heats his buttcheeks. Then see his reaction when the hot sole of the iron caresses his buttcheeks.
Once this study is done, you can make the drawing taking into account the reality. :-)

lumasoc ha detto...

J, Stern, the problem is to find who is available for the test ... however it is not possible to iron a person with a steam iron, without causing severe burns, it can be done in a drawing, as a fantasy
I always specify it, I would not want anyone to really try, it can only be done with a slightly hot iron, certainly not with steam.

J, Stern, il problema è trovare chi sia disponibile alla prova...comunque non è possibile stirare una persona con il ferro a vapore, senza provocargli gravi ustioni, lo si può fare in un disegno, come fantasia
Io lo preciso sempre, non vorrei che qualcuno provasse veramente, lo si può fare solo con il ferro appena caldo, non certo a vapore

Olivia ha detto...

Iron his balls out flat.

lumasoc ha detto...

Olivia, let's not exaggerate, I always point it out

Olivia, non esageriamo, io lo preciso sempre

Seatscorcher ha detto...

I would not use an iron on the bare skin of the bottom but I would like to see it used on the clothed bottom...lowest setting...and only pressed to the fabric for 3-5 seconds...then move to the other cheek...after both sit spots have been ironed for a few seconds one final pass of the iron over the entire sitting part of the bottom...I think the bottom would be burned and very painful, but not branded. Your thoughts?
Oh...and for me the bottom would be of a young woman, not a man....

lumasoc ha detto...

I agree with you, Seatscorcher, never use a steam iron, even if I design it, for scene, the iron must be hot enough to make it bearable, the hotter it is the longer the support on the butt must last, This also depends on the resistance of the person who gets ironed.
As for whether it should be a man or a woman, I have always drawn women who spank and iron men, it seems to me a way to give the woman a power that they often do not have and therefore a kind of compensation towards them, but nothing prevents. To think about a question between women

sono d'accordo con te, Seatscorcher, mai usare un ferro a vapore, anche se io lo disegno, per scena, il ferro deve essere caldo quel tanto che lo renda sopportabile, più è caldo più deve durare poco l'appoggio sul sedere, questo dipende pure dalla resistenza di chi si fa stirare.
Per quanto riguarda se debba essere un uomo o una donna, io ho sempre disegnato donne che sculacciano e stirano uomini, mi sembra un modo per dare alla donna un potere che spesso non hanno e quindi una specie di risarcimento nei loro confronti, ma niente vieta di pensare ad una questione fra donne

Anonimo ha detto...

Great subject my friend! Batwoman gains the upper hand and has the culprit well secured in position. I think the middle sketch is my favorite version. And the iron at the ready gives us an idea of what is next?


lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much, American friend Tex, you are right, the next drawing will see Bat-woman using the iron, as punishment

grazie mille, amico americano Tex, hai proprio ragione, il prossimo disegno vedrà proprio Bat-woman usare il ferro da stiro, come punizione