Elenco blog personale

mercoledì 2 febbraio 2022


In questo mio disegno, ho immaginato che un gruppo di 9 signore, tutte rigorosamente spanker, si ritrovino nei fine-settimana, in casa di una di loro, a turno e poi organizzino tornei di spanking.  La gara si svolge in gruppi di 3 per volte, dopodichè le signore rimaste fuori dal torneo giudicano le 3 coppie che si sono esibite, la coppia vincitrice si scontrerà con la vincitrice del proprio turno, per arrivare poi alla proclamazione della coppia vincitrice del  torneo della settimana in corso.

10 commenti:

QBuzz ha detto...

Wish my wife and I could take part in this tournament!

Anonimo ha detto...

This would make a great addition to the Olympics, yes? The Judges scoring each couple like in figure skating? Just imagine what a 'Perfect 10' score would look like!

Unknown ha detto...

Bellissimo racconto

lumasoc ha detto...

thank you very much everyone for the comments, ... true it would be nice if the spanking tournament would become an Olympic discipline, it would serve to clear the spanking through customs

grazie mille a tutti per i commenti, ...vero sarebbe bello che il torneo di spanking diventasse disciplina olimpica, servirebbe a sdoganare lo spanking

j.stern ha detto...

Who is the winner? The couple whose spanking lasts the longest or the one where the wife manages to make her husband cry first?
It's fun to imagine that these tournaments take place in the 1950s, a time when newspapers and cinema still rule.
The photos taken with the cameras during the tournament would appear in the "Weekly Spanking" so that each husband would be well humiliated and the films taken with the camera on a tripod during the tournament would be used to make a medium-length film that the whole community families from the small town would come to see on Sunday afternoon.
Having a father who resists for a long time is not a good example for children, so would it be the one who cries first who would be the winner in each tournament? Would the winner of the final be the weakest and the most publicly humiliated?

Chi è il vincitore? La coppia la cui sculacciata dura di più o quella in cui la moglie riesce a far piangere per prima il marito?
È divertente immaginare che questi tornei si svolgano negli anni '50, epoca in cui i giornali e il cinema regnano ancora.
Le foto scattate con le macchine fotografiche durante il torneo sarebbero apparse nelle "Sculacciate Settimanali" in modo che ogni marito fosse ben umiliato e i filmati ripresi con la macchina fotografica su treppiede durante il torneo sarebbero stati usati per realizzare un mediometraggio che il Intere famiglie della comunità della piccola città sarebbero venute a vedere la domenica pomeriggio.
Avere un padre che resiste a lungo non è un buon esempio per i bambini. Quindi sarebbe quello che piange per primo chi sarebbe il vincitore di ogni torneo? Il vincitore della finale sarebbe il più debole e il più pubblicamente umiliato?

j.stern ha detto...

Questo significa che il torneo è iniziato 1 minuto fa?
Cosa scrivono le donne?

Does this mean the tournament started 1 minute ago?
What are wives writing?

lumasoc ha detto...

thank you very much J. STERN, for the usual careful analysis. I imagined that the tournament takes place in 3 heats, the first three women start, a time is established for 20-30 minutes, only manual spanking, once the time has elapsed the men get up and stand in good view bent over a table, in so that other ladies can see and feel the state of their butts At this point, adding the spanking technique, lick because they take notes, the ladies will vote, a winning couple will come out, after which the same situation with another trio, the three winning couples will compete in the final.
As for the videos, I would think of a private use, so as not to further humiliate the poor husbands, a kind of personal archive, where each couple can see each other again, judge and improve themselves.

grazie mille J. STERN, per la consueta attenta analisi. Io ho immaginato che il torneo si svolga in 3 manches, partono le prime tre donne, si stabilisce un tempo 20-30 minuti, sculacciate solo manuali, scaduto il tempo gli uomini si alzano e si mettono bene in vista piegati su un tavolo, in modo che le altre signore possano vedere e sentire lo stato dei loro sederi. A questo punto sommando la tecnica di sculacciata, lecco perchè prendono appunti, le signore voteranno uscirà una coppia vincente, dopodichè stessa situazione con un altro trio, le tre coppie vincenti si sfideranno nella finale.
Per quanto riguarda invece i filmati, io ppenserei ad un uso privato, per non umiliare ulteriormente i poveri mariti, una specie di archivio personale, dove ogni coppia possa rivedersi, giudicarsi e migliorarsi

Anonimo ha detto...

Some may wish for this to happen, but would they go through with it. My wife deals with her husband or should I say her naughty little boy with a very sound bare bottom spanking, the bath brush speaks loud and clear. She will address the problem at the time and the first time I was spanked with others present it had to be my mother-in-law. My wife scolded me like a little boy, then pulled down the pants and underpants, and over her lap I went. I was kicking, pleading, squirming that I kicked off my pants and underpants. Dancing around the room all on display, my mother-in-law enjoyed and said to my wife a very good spanking. I faced the wall, while the two talked. Another time I was getting a spanking in the bedroom, this time was naked over my wife lap, talked back to her, big mistake. When she finished, she took my arm, continued to spank my bare bottom to the kitchen to face the wall. Her best friend showed up, I was facing the wall, naked, and the friend was told I was a very naughty little boy and so was given a spanking. Nice she said, the two talked, I stood there, said nothing. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

thank you so much for your testimony Jack, you have had awkward direct experiences, but also tantalizing I think being spanked publicly is no joke

grazie mille per la tua testimonianza Jack, hai avuto esperienze dirette imbarazzanti, ma anche stuzzicanti penso essere sculacciati pubblicamente non è unno scherzo

Anonimo ha detto...

Very much is no joke, my wife had enough of my childish behavior early on in our marriage, and that first spanking I though she was kidding, my dancing around and rubbing was a shock. Today, I have to call her Mommy when I need a spanking, if I show disrespect to one of her friends, her mother, I will be spanked with them present. It is always a bare bottom spanking, except if I talk back, use a naughty word, then I'm told to undress. I have been given the pajama punishment, no matter if it is in the morning I get a spanking I must wear my jammies as she calls them the rest of the day.
I have learned do not challenge my wife, 'Mommy', in this house 'Mommy knows Best'. Jack