Elenco blog personale

martedì 15 agosto 2023



11 commenti:

lumasoc ha detto...

Congratulations Jack, you have a smart wife, she knows how to educate you in the best way

Anonimo ha detto...

A very nice re-make for both versions Lumasoc. I like the enhancements you've done but also still appreciate the original versions which have their own charm. Keep up the most excellent work my friend!


lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much

j.stern ha detto...

Hi, Lumasoc
He is truly insatiable. We do not know if he sees the spanking that preceded the dishwashing chore or if he already imagines the one that will come when he has broken a plate or badly washed a dish.
Yellow gloves are a must.
Well done
(I wonder if there are battipanni that hurt more than others)

lumasoc ha detto...

Hi J. Stern,
I had imagined that he was thinking about the spankings already taken, since his butt is red, but he could also take more if he doesn't do a good job
the carpet beaters that hurt the most are the wicker ones like the one in the drawing, but even the plastic ones are very incisive, in my opinion.

Io avevo immaginato che pensasse alle sculacciate già prese, visto che ha il sedere bello rosso, ma potrebbe anche prenderne altre se non fa un bel lavoro
i battipanni che fanno più male, sono quelli in vimini tipo quello del disegno, ma pure quelli di plastica sono molto incisivi, secondo me.

Anonimo ha detto...

Bellissimo col battipanni 🔥

lumasoc ha detto...

Grazie mille, il battipanni fa sempre un bel effetto

Anonimo ha detto...

I agree I have a smart wife, one who knows who should wear the pants in the family. The spankings hurt like they should, but facing the wall/corner displaying a well spanked bare bottom is worse than the spanking especially if any one drops in. My mother-in-law has seen me many times, some of her best friends have. The first time the neighbor lady saw me, my wife told her if I wish to be a naughty little boy, then I will be treated as such. My wife then ask me if I was a naughty little boy, I said Yes Mommy, and then she continued, what does Mommy do when your a naughty little boy. I responded with Mommy spanks. Good she said, no more talking, Yes Mommy. So you see my wife/mommy is truly a woman who understands what's in a relationship and that wives should understand that being a Mommy is also part of it. Jack

Anonimo ha detto...

Doesn't work

j.stern ha detto...

La luce è spenta, Lumasoc...

lumasoc ha detto...

Ciao J. Stern, non riuscivo più a caricare nuovi disegni, non so per quale motivo, finalmente sono riuscito a caricare, lo inserito più grande, anche se una parte, rimane nascosto, ma cliccando sul disegno poi si vede per intero...spero che possa piacere