Elenco blog personale

martedì 21 novembre 2023


Una brava moglie, sa come mantenere la disciplina in casa, ed una sculacciata con la padella, aiuta molto

16 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

I only did this once, walking into the kitchen naked. I was told that was not going to be tolerated and I did it as a joke. Well by the time I got off her lap, I was saying I was sorry, and would not do that again. I had to face the corner, and her mother was coming for coffee. I pleaded not to be there when her mother came, I was given a few more spanks and told not to move from the corner. My mother-in-law totally agreed with her daughter and added a bedtime spanking would be something she would do. I got a bedtime spanking and have never done that again. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

Hello Jack,
Thank you for your story of real life, a beautiful testimony, which many will enjoy reading, including me

j.stern ha detto...

Buongiorno Lumasoc,
Indovinello: ci sono due elementi incongrui in questa cucina, quali?

Interpretazione: Possiamo immaginare che quest'uomo alto viva da solo. Ha riunito nella sua cucina tutti gli oggetti legati al suo desiderio. Non resta che utilizzarli. La donna delle pulizie che ha assunto sa come farlo perfettamente. Si diverte anche ad arrossare il suo sedere nudo oltre ogni ragione (ma con il consenso del suo datore di lavoro).
Le pantofole che gli ha chiesto di indossare sono indicative della sua perversità: non vuole che gli si raffreddino i piedi!

Riddle: there are two incongruous elements in this kitchen, which ones?

Interpretation: We can imagine that this tall man lives alone. He brought together in his kitchen all the objects related to his desire. All that remains is to use them. The cleaning lady he hired knows how to do it perfectly. She even takes pleasure in reddening his bare butt beyond reason (but with the agreement of her employer).
The slippers she asked him to wear are indicative of her perversity: she doesn't want his feet to get cold!

Anonimo ha detto...

What I should add is that I wanted a woman to take charge. Dating was one a subject that most did want to talk about, relationships ended quickly. Thinking I never would find one, the woman I married knew from the beginning that she was going to be in charge. A couple of months knowing her I brought up the spankings, she smiled, oh don't worry, you will be spanked, but on my terms not yours she told me. Well that first spanking was as I said the kitchen appearance, since then been spanked for a bad attitude, acting like a little boy who is naughty. She will mostly taken me to the bedroom, the bath brush is applied. The one requirement is calling her Mommy, she feels when a spanking is needed she is not the wife, but the Mommy. So I wanted such a relationship and have learned wanting and needing is two different things and that a male thinks they understand a female, no way. My Mommy knows what is best for her hubby/little boy. I wanted such a relationship and I have it, and my wife has taken it to levels I never knew. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

Hello J. Stern,
pure la tua immaginazione può essere giusta, poi ognuno ci vede quello che vuole, io l'avevo pensata come un rapporto tra moglie e marito, ma pure pensare alla domestica che punisce il datore di lavoro, un motivo potrebbe essere che il padrone di casa abbia allungato le mani, grave mancanza di rispetto...ciao

lumasoc ha detto...

Ciao Jack, i tuoi raccontini di vita vita sono interessanti, confessare ad una donna il proprio desiderio di essere sculacciati, non è facile, senza rischiare il ridicolo, anche se è una cosa del tutto normale, per noi, ma la maggioranza delle persone, non concepisce neanche che si possa avere tali impulsi, quindi complimenti a te, che ci sei riuscito.

Hi Jack, your little stories about life are interesting, confessing to a woman your desire to be spanked is not easy, without risking ridicule, even if it is a completely normal thing for us, but for the majority of people, he doesn't even conceive that one can have such impulses, so congratulations to you, who succeeded.

Anonimo ha detto...

Proof one should never argue with one's Wife while in the kitchen... and especially when she has a hot skillet in her hands! That's a literal hot bottom! Great sketch Lumasoc!


lumasoc ha detto...

Hello Tex,
true, that's right, I fully agree with you, thank you very much

vero, proprio così, sono pienamente d'accordo con te, grazie mille

Anonimo ha detto...

I was told many times while dating that was not going to happen. What was interesting I brought this up when I was asked what am I looking for. I just believe one to be up front, take the response and accept. The woman that I married, smiled when I mentioned this, thanked me for being honest, and said I must have had some interesting comments, I told her I did. She admitted she wanted a FLR and it was going to be her way, I agreed, not really knowing what 'her way' meant. I soon found out, spanking and sex do not go together, and that she believed in the traditional way, nothing kinky. That first spanking was during dating and I got caught masturbating on the toilet, and not knowing she was coming over. She sternly said to finish, clean myself up, she watched, and then gave me a very sound over the lap spanking that left me feeling like a little boy who was very naughty. I faced the wall, scolded, and said this is just the beginning. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

Thank you very much JACK, good evening

j.stern ha detto...

Hi Lumasoc,

Ho pensato che forse questa immagine potrebbe servire da trampolino di lancio per una delle tue future creazioni.


lumasoc ha detto...

Hei J. Stern, grazie mille per la foto che mi hai mandato

Anonimo ha detto...

Waiting to see what your next post will be. Jack

lumasoc ha detto...

thanks Jack, I hope to post a new drawing soon, it's almost finished already

Anonimo ha detto...

(Sara) bellissimo disegno come sempre!

lumasoc ha detto...

Grazie mille (Sara) un caro saluto